Existing non-powered Pick Lists can be updated using the Update Pick List endpoint. This endpoint requires a List ID and a JSON payload. The Get Pick List endpoint can be used to retrieve the JSON payload in the correct format. Modifications are made to the JSON payload and submitted to the Update Pick List endpoint to apply the updates to the List.

POST Update Pick List

Upload a JSON file to update a non-powered pick list (only "dependent", "drill-down" and "drop-down" list types are supported).

The following list fields can be updated:

  • name
  • type
  • notes
  • headers (change columns names and/or precedence)
  • rows (overwrite list rows with new values)

Example of a valid JSON file that can be used to update a list:

    "name": "New Name",
    "type": "drill-down",
    "notes": "Updated from the Data Standards Cloud API",
    "headers": [
            "name": "First Column"
            "name": "Second Column"
    "rows": [
            "row_number": 0,
            "row_data": [
                    "value": "New Value"
                    "value": "World"
            "row_number": 1,
            "row_data": [
                    "value": "Claravine"
                    "value": "Lorem Ipsum"



In case the uploaded JSON file is bigger than 1.5MB the request will return a 400 error.

In case the request is successful, the current list rows will be overwritten with the row values present in the uploaded file.

The default rate limit is 30 requests per minute, which is shown through the response headers X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining.

API keys and secrets are generated in The Data Standards Cloud UI, and they are given the same permissions as the user who created them. Talk to your CSM for additional information.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!