Get all details of a Pick List using the List UUID (available from the List Pick Lists API) as an input. The List API response includes the List definition and a full overview of all columns and rows of data included in the List.
GET Pick List
Get the definition of a single pick list (including its rows and columns values).
In case the requested list exceeds the limit of 30.000 values (calculated by the number of
rows * columns
) the request will return a 400 error.The default rate limit is 30 requests per minute, which is shown through the response headers X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining.
API keys and secrets are generated in The Data Standards Cloud UI, and they are given the same permissions as the user who created them. Talk to your CSM for additional information.
Use Case Example - Steps to build a List Values Export File File
This use case offer steps to build a List Values Export File using the Claravine API, containing all configured lists, and build a CSV file.
A customer can follow these steps at an interval based on desired business frequency (weekly, monthly)
- Retrieve Data
- Use the "List Pick Lists" endpoint (
GET /v1/lists/
) endpoint to retrieve all lists. - For each list returned above, use the "Get Pick List" endpoint (
GET /v1/lists/{listId}
) endpoint to get each list information in a JSON format. - Process Lists
- Combine the JSON responses from the lists above into a single CSV file.
- The CSV can contain all lists key/value pairs, or segmented based on your business, ex. by region, etc.
- Upload file to a central location
- Upload the generated CSV file to Cloud Storage, or where your team can access globally, or where your workflow/application can consume it.