How do you format create transaction statement?
I'm working with the Claravine API in python right now to try to programmatically create some new transactions using data I have on my local machine. I have used the Claravine API to get historical transactions successfully, but this POST method isn't working
Here's an example of what I'm running in python:
url = "<">
headers = {
"accept": "application/json",
"x-claravine-key": "xxx",
"x-claravine-secret": "xxx",
response =, headers=headers)
I have my actual dataset uuid in the url, as well as my real api key and secret in headers. fields is a python list of the columns of the data I'm trying to load into Claravine, and rows is a nested python list of the row values. This is exactly how the data looks when I'm receiving it from a get request. However, this error is being thrown when I try to run it:
Header part [xxx...]
\(my fields list) must be of type str or bytes, not \<class 'list'>
I think this has to do with the requests library in python, that maybe it can only take those two data types as arguments in the headers object. I tried again with both fields and rows converted to strings but that didn't work either
How would I fix this?
Thank you
Posted by Jesse Moderwell about 1 year ago