Getting Started with Claravine

An overview of Claravine's APIs


Claravine offers two APIs that allow customers to implement their own custom solutions that interface with Claravine.

  • The Data Standards Cloud API is a secure REST API focused on submissions: create submissions, view submissions, and search for specific data across submissions.
    • Note - in the API documentation we refer to Templates as Datasets and Submissions as Transactions.
  • The Classification API enables the classification of content and creative assets.

Details about all API endpoints are available here.

Availability of The Data Standards Cloud API is tied to your platform contract tier and must be enabled on your account by your CSM. The Classification API is a separate paid contract. Contact your CSM or Account Executive for more details about using the APIs.

Available endpoints include:

Data Standards Cloud API


List Datasets:
Get all datasets available to the authenticated user. In the Data Standards Cloud UI, these are templates. All returned fields can have values submitted to them. There are other fields on the datasets, but they are read-only and not made visible through this endpoint.

Get Dataset Definition:
Get the definition of a Dataset using the Dataset UUID (available from the List Datasets API) as an input. The dataset definition provides a full overview of all fields included in the dataset.

Get Dataset Rows by Generated Pattern:
Get dataset rows that match a specific Data Standards Cloud Pattern (sometimes referred to as tracking codes).
There should normally be 1 or 0 results. In the event of multiple matches, up to 100 results may be returned.


List Dataset Transactions:
Get a list of transactions (including submissions through the UI) associated with a dataset. Each of these transaction UUIDs may be used to fetch specific data associated with that transaction.

Get Transaction Data:
Get the data of a completed transaction (not available before the transaction has been completed). Returns all available fields and data associated with each field, including read-only fields and data.

Get Dataset Transaction:
Get all details of a transaction including the data that was submitted. Returns all available fields and data associated with each field, including the definition of each field. This endpoint is similar to the "Get Transaction Data" endpoint but it returns more information regarding the dataset's fields and values submitted in the transaction.

Create Transaction:
Post data to a specific dataset. Data will be processed according to Governance Rules defined in the related dataset (template in the Data Standards Cloud UI). If any data fails when tested against Governance Rules, the entire dataset will be moved into the draft/pending state, and no attached integrations will be run. If no data fails, integrations will be executed as defined in the dataset (template in the Data Standards Cloud UI).

Get Transaction Status:
Get the current status of a transaction. May return a status of 'Pending', 'Complete', or 'Failed'.

Pick Lists (Beta)

List Pick Lists:
Get all Pick Lists available to the authenticated user. Details for each list are returned along with a List ID that can be used to get full details of a single list.

Get Pick List:
Get all details of a Pick List using the List UUID (available from the List Pick Lists API) as an input. The List API response includes the List definition and a full overview of all columns and rows of data included in the List.

Update Pick List:
Existing non-powered Pick Lists can be updated using the Update Pick List endpoint. This endpoint requires a List ID and a JSON payload. The Get Pick List endpoint can be used to retrieve the JSON payload in the correct format. Modifications are made to the JSON payload and submitted to the Update Pick List endpoint to apply the updates to the List.

Classification API

Content Similarity:
For each endpoint, there is an additional module for content similarity. This is supported by the Summary and Creative APIs.

Audio Transcription:
For each endpoint, there is an additional module for audio transcription. This is supported by the Summary and Creative APIs.

Classify Creative Content:
The Creative endpoint uses Claravine AI to classify creatives (video and image) along with associated metadata when available.

Classify Publisher Media Content:
The Summary endpoint uses Claravine AI to classify content (video and image) along with associated metadata when available.

Classify Livestream Content:
The Livestream endpoint uses Claravine AI to classify streaming video content along with associated metadata when available.